the TF2 community is keeping it very much alive. lol and those things make that game infuriating at times. play TF2 on Xbox 360, and prepare to feel real pain.
that's three times as bad as the Demoman on the PC version of TF2. and an extremely OP noobtubing class called Demoman. Oh and TF2 has even MORE hackers/glitchers than MW2 had currently, and TWICE the amount of glitches. and it just makes the pain of me being hacked worse.
lol I know I could just play any other Call of duty game, but playing any other COD game just feels lack luster, unpolished, unfinished, and made with absolutely no love, unlike MW2. and making believe I just unlocked a sentry gun kill streak in MW2 every time I build a turret. The only thing SEMI holding me off from losing my mind as a gamer, has been playing Team Fortress 2 on the Xbox 360 as the engineer class. and I'm going absolutely insane because I can't play it anymore. :/ It would just freeze on the loading menu just before the game would start, or if I tried to go into my classes to arrange them, it would cause my entire Xbox 360 to freeze, and I would have to restart it. and after, I couldn't go in and arrange my classes anymore and couldn't join any online games at all. I just thought some noobs where boosting or something.). Especially when the game started, something looked off with too many people killing the same people over and over too fast. (I knew the lobby looked odd when I first joined it. and when I was JUST about to nuke on the enemies team, a hacker on the other team got butthurt, and hacked me. I ended up in a hacked MW2 lobby 5 ish years ago, didn't think nothing of it.